Business Area

In 2011, a concession was signed with the Ministry of Works, to finance, design, build and operate the Muharraq STP Scheme. This Scheme is a 29-year Public-Private Partnership (PPP) concession, between the Muharraq STP Company and the Bahrain Ministries of Finance and Works.

The Muharraq STP Company is a special purpose company, with international water utility shareholders, and uses skilled resources experienced in long-term infrastructure asset management to provide professional and quality sewerage services to the people of Muharraq.

The island of Muharraq is home to a population of approximately 260,000 and occupies 67km2. The island is served by a discrete sewerage catchment and single wastewater treatment work, the Muharraq Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP).

The Muharraq STP Scheme includes:

0 km

Muharraq Deep Gravity Sewer and collection network.

99900 m3/day

Muharraq Sewage Treatment Plant.

0 T/day

Muharraq Sludge Incineration Plant.

Operation of the Scheme began in 2014 and will continue until 2040.

The Muharraq Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP) is a modern state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant, designed for nutrient removal with tertiary treatment, producing a final effluent compliant with Bahrain and WHO wastewater treatment standards, and is suitable for re-use by unrestricted irrigation. This irrigation water is either exported for re-use by both pipeline and tanker and when not required, discharged safely to the sea via a dedicated long sea outfall.

All sludge arising from plant operations is incinerated in state-of-the-art ‘fluidized bed’ incinerators. Emissions discharged into the atmosphere comply with both Bahrain and European standards and residual ash is disposed of in accordance with local environmental laws.

The plant consistently delivers irrigation water of the highest quality, thereby providing a valuable resource to consumers throughout Bahrain. These include water for beautification of road central reservations, many public parks, and football stadia. The project has prevented of sewage floodings caused by overloaded network or defect Pumping Stations.